Contribution of Engineers to Fight Against COVID-19.

Now a day’s world is facing an outbreak of a pandemic. The whole world is affected by the consequences caused by COVID-19. It badly affects public health and the economy of the nation, to survive in this critical situation we must have to stand together and fight against this deadly virus. To get out of this situation we must follow some safety measures and for that public awareness is a must.

As we are lucky enough that various sectors showing their active participation to help humankind. The technology sector is one of the important examples of a group of people who started doing various social welfare activities in terms of technology.

IIT Guwahati showing its keen participation in to fight against COVID-19

Various departments from IIT Guwahati started researching their respective fields and areas. Mechanical, Electrical, Bioscience, and Bioengineering play an important role in developing scientific equipment for diagnosis and safety. Diagnostic tools like PCR machines are provided for GMCH Assam. These machines had a capacity of 1000 samples per 12 Hours and 2000 samples for 24 hours.

Contribution Of Various Fields

Mechanical and Electronics Department

An interesting thing is that engineers from the Mechanical and Electronics dept are developing several state-of-the-art technologies. They’re creating the carrying units to operate in screening systems and isolation wards.  They’re producing handheld temperature measuring apparatus, ventilators, medical waste disposal methods, large capacity Autoclave Machines, and WHO-specified masks and hand sanitizers

Bioengineering and Bioscience

These fields of engineering and science make tremendous efforts in developing protective gear with anti-viral and superhydrophobic coatings. They also work on developing biodegradable plastic-based medical textiles. 

Design and Development

This area of engineering functions on creating a prototype 3D printed face protector, including headgear that may be scaled up.

Prof. T. G. Sitharam manager of IIT Guwahati stated, “Our thought is to earn this particular state-of-the-art center for the Northeast area. This center, later on, would help to create manpower for the identification of diseases that are infectious from the first phase of the disease and its avoidance.  There’s no medication present for this particular disease. Members are developing small molecule inhibitors.  The concept is to create affordable and safe drugs for this disorder.  The institute has been working to educate the community too big on practicing hygiene and distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


  1. I would like to thank you first…The information in this blog provided by u is awesome. Each and every person is soldier without uniform..and the contribution of each one towards nation is priceless.

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